Advanced Requests allow you to tweak every aspect of your observations and to obtain raw FITS images with guaranteed quality.
This feature is specifically designed to address the needs of the most demanding observers.
With Advanced Requests you can:
- Observe deep-sky objects or minor solar system bodies, specifying their coordinates.
- Use exclusively any of the 10 telescopes located in Chile, Spain, or Australia, from small wide-field refractors to large 1-m small field of view reflectors.
- Select the filters and exposures you wish to use. We have top-quality cameras across the entire network, and complete sets of Astrodon astrophotography filters and Sloan filters.
- Perform photometric observations using any of our larger telescopes, and using Sloan photometric filters.
- Use our Automated Scheduling mode, to automatically schedule your observations, or use Custom Scheduling to choose exactly when to take your observations.
How much does it cost?
See our dedicated article to find out how Advanced Requests are charged.
How does it work?
We have prepared a video tutorial that will show you all the passages necessary to successfully submit an Advanced Request; you can watch it here below.