Master Calibration Frames for your Advanced Requests
You can download the Master Calibration Frames used to calibrate the images part of a given advanced request directly from My Advanced Requests. Simply click on the three-dots action menu for the given request, and click on "Download calibration frames". This will initiate a new download request for the relevant Master Calibration Frames. You can then download the frames on your computer by navigating to Download Requests from the left sidebar.
Calibration Frames Archive
Telescope Live gives you access to all raw and master calibration frames acquired by the Telescope Live Network through the Calibration Frame Archive. These frames include Bias, Dark and Flat field frames used to calibrate the images that are delivered to you from the Image Archive.
Master calibration frames are created combining together several Raw calibration frames, these are the frames that are used to calibrate your images.
To access the Calibration Frames Archive click on "Calibration Frames" in the left sidebar. Click on the "SEARCH" button to select the calibration frames you are looking for. You can filter by calibration frame type, telescope, filter, and binning. You can also filter by exposure time of observing date.