Whenever there is clear weather, our robotic network of telescopes is always busy observing new night-sky objects to create new One-Click Observations.
From the page Future Observations, you will be able to take a look at what the network is supposed to do next.
With your subscription, you are able to "upvote" a given number of future observations.
By upvoting an observation, several things will happen:
- We will prioritise the observation you upvote compared to the other ones. The observations with the most upvotes will be observed first, obviously respecting the various observing constraints (such as target altitude, moon phase, etc.)
- We will automatically grab your upvoted observations as soon as they are acquired. In this way, you will automatically benefit from the 30% discount that is given to observations obtained in the last 24 hours.
- As soon as you upvote an observation, you will be charged for the discounted cost of the future One-Click Observation
- You can remove the upvote at any time, before the observation is acquired, and get a credit refund
Note that the Expected Completion Time of the planned One-Click Observations is highly variable, as it is dependent on the global popularity of each observation, the weather, quality controls, and unforeseen technical issues.
For these reasons, estimated completion times might vary significantly, and can often jump by several days, for instance, if the weather forecasts worsen.
We refresh the future schedule every few hours, so the exact completion time might vary very frequently.
We usually schedule hundreds of observations at the same time, weeks in advance, and our intelligent and automated scheduling system will make sure to observe each new object at the right time.